Monday, April 25, 2011

Potato Fans

A parent at soccer practice last week let me look through a cooking magazine.  Big mistake, now I want to try all sorts of things.  I re -created these Potato fans from memory. 

Start with russet potatoes washed
Cut 1/4 inch slice off the bottom edge, so it sits flat.
Place chopsticks or scewers on either side of the potato to guide your knife from not cutting through the potato.  Make cuts every 1/8 inch or so all the way across the potato.  You won't cut through it because of your little sticks stopping the knife.  Rince the potato under water to remove the starch and place them upside down on a microwave safe plate for atout 9 minutes.

Bake in a 400 degree oven until done and skins are slightly crisp.  About 20 - 30 min.

while potatoes are baking bake crumb crusted topping.  I eyeballed it from memory.

1/2 cup softened butter.
1 palmfull of bread crumbs, or crushed croutons
3 cloves of garlic minced
1/3 cup parmesean cheese2 slices cooked crumbled bacon
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese.

the mixture might need more butter depending on howmany ingredients you put in the topping.  You want to be able to mold it on top of the potatos and kinda squish it in between the fans.

Once potatos are done remove from oven and divide topping equally between them.  You might want to let the potatos cool till you can handle them. Smoosh it in top to form a crust.

Place back in the oven and turn it to broil untill they are deep brown.

Definatly going to try these again..  They look like little armadillo's......

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