Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cream puffs are so easy to make!

I love recipe websites and such.  Now with the added feature of fb I have become a fan of some great sites.  One of them is the 5 dollar dinner mom.  She often hosts recipies from other bloggers.  Ha ha Not me.  YET!  anyway one of these guest recipies was for  denise's cream puffs.  Hmm.  I've never made cream puffs before.  How hard could it be?  So I printed off the recipe.   Next time I think I'll use a smaller scoop because they turned out rather large.  I had no idea exactly how much they would puff up.  I filled mine with instant chocolate pudding.  Quick and easy!   They taste best when they are crispy but they hold up well in the refridgerator.  I'd imagine they would freeze well too.

4 eggs
1/2 c stick margarine
1 c boiling water
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 c flour
1/2 tablespoon sugar

DirectionsCombine butter, salt and boiling water. Bring back to boiling. Sift flour and add to boiling mixture. Beat until mixture leaves sides of saucepan and does not cling to spoon. Remove from heat and cool slightly. Add unbeaten eggs, one at a time. Beat thoroughly after addition of each egg until mixture is smooth. Drop by tablespoon 2 inches apart on a cookie sheet. Bake in hot oven at 400 degrees for 30 minutes. Lower the heat to 350 and bake 10 more minutes or until the puffs are dry and firm. (mine took 32 min total)  Remove from oven and cool. After puffs have cooled, cut partially open along the lower edge with a sharp knife to make an opening large enough to put the pudding inside. Fill with Chocolate pudding.  These would also be great filled with sliced fruit and whip cream. 

Ooh, now I have to make them again.  LOL!

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