Sunday, May 15, 2011

Snack Packs

Aren't they cute!

I have adopted this process and I'm addicted to it.  Not only does it save alot of money and time packing lunches.... They just look so darn cute in the fridge.  I learned about this from my one of my besest online sources Budget101.  The things I learn on that site are great!!! The original article has a huge list of 100 calorie snack pack ideas. Go check it out.

Today I made a bunch up in about 1/2 hour....

Chocolate syrup with banana cream pudding (instant) and whipped cream.

A little chocolate syrup in the bottom and a dollop of whipped cream

Instant jello

I also did Chocolate pudding, and some chunked fresh cantelope.  Great for after school snacks or packing a lunch in a rush.  

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